Benefits of Sending Your Child to a Tuition Centre

Benefits of sending your child to a tuition centre

Every student learns at a different pace, but in a school classroom with 40 students, teachers can’t always devote time to every individual. If your child is struggling with a subject, enrolling them at a tuition centre is a concept that many Singaporean families are familiar with. If this is something you’re considering, then check out this article to discover the various benefits your child could stand to gain from tuition, whether it’s English tuition in Singapore or any other subject.

Prevent Procrastination

Image of a student procrastinating

Many of us struggle with procrastination, even responsible working adults, let alone students. It’s not too far-fetched to assume that when left to study on their own, there’s a good chance that students will end up procrastinating the time away and settling for last-minute work and revision, leading to less effective learning. At tuition centres, students will be under the watchful supervision of their tutors to ensure that they’re studying and doing their work diligently. This instils a sense of routine and discipline, but with a little more breathing room as students are able to dress down whilst studying in a more comfortable environment.

This is especially crucial for subjects that require substantial writing, such as English. Part of the key to writing and completing a good essay, for instance, is finding the momentum to get one’s creative juices going that will help generate words. Here at The Thought Tutor, our English tutors in Singapore can help students dig deep and find the discipline needed to write smoothly.

More Structure and Discipline

Image of students writing in paper
More often than not, students studying on their own lack a proper learning structure to do so effectively—what key areas of the subject should they be working on; what’s a realistic goal to set for themselves at the end of the session; and so on. A good tuition centre can offer students a more structured learning environment with designated study times, clear expectations, and set curricula. This helps guide students through their subjects in a systematic manner, allowing them to cover the curriculum comprehensively and foster a sense of discipline and responsibility in them.

Conducive Environment

A happy students in their class
As mentioned earlier, procrastination can be a major obstacle when students attempt to study at home, and part of the reason why this is so, is the amount of distractions around them, from abundant entertainment options, to noisy neighbours, to even a lack of necessary resources. Conversely, tuition centres are able to provide students with a dedicated and conducive environment for studying as they are better equipped with the resources and the expertise in the form of qualified teachers to give your child a fruitful and positive learning experience.

Additional Help to Give Them a Headstart in School

Image showing a good school grade
If you’re looking to give your child a head start over their peers in school, then a reputable tuition centre could go a long way in helping them do just that. Often, tuition centres cover topics in advance or provide additional insights and perspectives on the curriculum and upcoming lessons, making it easier for students to grasp new concepts when they are eventually introduced in school. This is highly beneficial for subjects that require more than just textbook learning, such as English. Here at The Thought Tailor, our English tuition in Singapore takes on a more holistic approach to mastering the language through a wealth of resources that are readily available, giving our students the tools they need to excel.

Learn More: What Makes The Thought Tailor Different From Other Tuition Centres In Singapore

Direct and Personalised Feedback and Advice from Tutors for Each Student

Image of a teacher giving feedback to a student
Arguably the biggest advantage of tuition centres is the personalised and dedicated attention that each student can receive. In a school with a large class size, it is almost impossible for teachers to pay attention to every student and address their individual needs. On the other hand, tuition classes here at The Thought Tutor are usually small, and so is, by extension, the teacher to student ratio. This allows our English tutors in Singapore to dedicate more time to each student in order to adequately address questions and areas that need tending to that they weren’t able to do in school. Tutors can also provide direct feedback, identify areas of improvement, and offer tailored advice to each student based on their learning style and pace.

As one of the hardest subjects to excel in, additional support for English has always been in demand, and here at The Thought Tailor, we’re committed to guiding every student who comes through our doors and setting them on the path to excellence—not through a monotonous crawl, but a holistic and riveting journey that combines the arduous but necessary grind of discipline, and the joy and fulfilment of developing a genuine interest in the subject.

To find out more about our English programmes, our highly qualified tutors, and our teaching methodologies, please contact us today.

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